Company 概述 for Investors

市场:东京 象征:4204 型号:JP3419400001 行业:化工

SEKISUI化学, 成立于1947年, has been carrying out business while successively meeting social demand by new materials and technologies such as plastic molding, and has been contributing to resolve social issues. SEKISUI化学 Group maintains BtoC businesses primarily in the new housing construction industry and BtoB businesses that handle conductive fine particles, interlayer films for automotive laminated glass, water supply/sewerage pipes, and diagnostic reagents and others. 类似的, we carry out business through the three “High Performance Plastics,”“住房,” and “Urban Infrastructure & Environmental 产品” divisional companies as well as the Medical Business in the fields of “Residential and Social Infrastructure Creation” and “Chemical Solutions.” In aim of realizing both a sustainable society and the sustainable growth, the Group will continue to provide the products and services that support people’s everyday lives around the world along the strategy axis of ESG management of bringing peace of mind for the future.


Years ended March 31

数百万日元 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
净销售额 1,157,945 1,242,521 1,256,538
营业利润 88,879 91,666 94,399
普通的利润 97,001 104,241 105,921
Profit attributable to owners of parent 37,067 69,263 77,930
Cash flows from operating activities 105,023 71,543 106,632
Cash flows from investing activities 2,694 59,430 -18,515
Cash Flows from financing activities -54,729 -62,906 -53,023
Profit attributable to owners of parent per share (yen) 83.17 159.19 183.48
Dividends per share (yen) 49 59 74
净资产 per share (yen) 1,519.19 1,642.67 1,880.30
总资产 1,198,921 1,228,131 1,323,243
净资产 702,753 732,525 820,925
股本*1 674,636 705,026 792,329
Capital expenditures 52,540 56,761 60,606
折旧 45,912 48,995 51,195
Amortization of goodwill 2,792 3,411 1,477
R&D支出 37,010 40,471 41,701
营业利润 margin (%) 7.7 7.4 7.5
净资产收益率(%)*2 6.5 10.0 10.4
ROA (%)*3 5.6 8.3 8.3
ROIC (%)*4 5.4 7.6 7.3
息税前利润 *5 116,647 142,099 147,072
股本-to-asset ratio (%) 56.3 57.4 59.9
员工人数 26,577 26,419 26,929
Number of shares issued (Thousands of shares) 471,507 456,507 448,507
  1. *1: 股本= Shareholders' equity including accumulated other comprehensive Income
  2. *2: ROE=Profit attributable to owners of parent/Average equity
  3. *3: ROA= 普通的利润/Average total assets
  4. *4: ROIC= After tax operating profit/Average invested capital (Fixed assets + working capital)
  5. *5: 息税前利润= 营业利润 + 折旧 + Amortization of goodwill


  1. *1: High Performance Plastics
  2. *2: Urban Infrastructure Environmental 产品


(As of March 31, 2024)

名字 Number of Shares Held (thousand shares) Percentage of Ownership (%)
The Master Trust Bank of 日本有限公司. (信托账户) 61,578 14.57
Custody Bank of 日本有限公司. (信托账户) 21,555 5.10
The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 12,793 3.02
Employees Stock Ownership Plan 11,599 2.74
Asahi Kasei Corporation 9,744 2.30
关井住宅有限公司. 7,998 1.89
THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON 140042 7,475 1.76
National Mutual Insurance Federation of Agricultural Cooperatives 7,302 1.72
东京海上 & Nichido Fire Insurance Co.有限公司. 5,805 1.37
  1. *1: The Company maintains 25,969,220 shares of treasury shares, which does not include the holdings of the major shareholders. The ratio of the number of treasury shares to the total number of outstanding shares is 5.79 %.
  2. *2: The treasury shares excludes 148 thousand shares held by the entrusted Employee Stock Ownership Plan and 784 thousand shares held by the Board Incentive Plan as part of the officer remuneration system.
  3. *3: The percentage of ownership is calculated after subtracting the treasury shares from the total number of outstanding shares.

Breakdown of Shareholders (As of March 31, 2024)